5 things worth knowing about Dragons

We are now in the Chinese Year of the Dragon and whether or not you follow the Chinese Zodiac, I recently came across a newsletter posted by Roger Hamilton of Wealth Dynamics about the 5 things worth knowing about dragons to make 2012 your year!  I found it so inspiring I wanted to share it with you.  Here it is:

Whether or not you follow the Chinese Zodiac, here are 5 things about dragons worth knowing in 2012:

1. Dreams to Reality: The dragon is the ONLY mythical animal on the chinese zodiac. It is the link between the imaginary world and the real world and has a special place in Chinese culture (In the same way you cannot deface a US flag in America, you cannot deface a dragon image in China). In 2012, what is the one dream you will bring into reality? Pin it up with a dragon image.

2. The Symbol of Flow: The dragon symbolises the protector of flow, and in Chinese myths is always controlling the waters, floods, seas and rivers. Its three joints represent the trinity of flow (creation, preservation, destruction). In 2012, what will you begin, what will you preserve, and what will you end to stay in flow?

3. The Power of Nine: The dragon is related to the number 9, the highest single digit number and Chinese symbol of celestial power. The chinese dragon has 81 Yang scales (9×9) and 36 Yin scales (9×4). Nine dragons was the symbol of the Chinese Emperor (and if you have ever been to Hong Kong, ‘Kowloon’ means ‘nine dragons’ in Chinese). The Chinese character for ‘nine’ is the same as the word ‘forever’. In 2012, what part of you will you develop – a skill or quality that will lift you higher, and be with you forever?

4. The Celestial Messenger: The dragon has spread through all cultures, and today are found in everything from Shrek to Harry Potter. The English word comes from the Greek ‘‘drakan” which means ‘water dragon’, derived from ‘drakein’ which means ‘to see more clearly’. Up to modern times, the dragon is seen as carrying a secret or message that it protects and passes to the select few. In 2012, what dragon will you seek out. In what area do you want to ‘see more clearly’?

5. A Sign of the Times: 2012 is the year of the Water Dragon, which only comes around every 60 years. The last Water Dragon year was 1952 (the first year to see a return-flight of a passenger plane across the Atlantic), and before that was 1892 (The year Edison got a patent for a two-way telegraph. It was also the year of the first basketball game). In 2012, what will you invent? What will you create that will leave a legacy?

Where to start with these five questions? Grab a blank sheet and start with that – A white space of unexplored, virgin territory: The kind that old map makers would leave blank on their maps because no one had been there yet; The spaces on the map where there were no coastlines or land masses; Just empty space with the words “Here be dragons.”

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wishing you a prosperous 2012!

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